Hello everyone, and welcome to “Monthly Music Melody” OR “MMM”. For anyone who is new, I’ll give you a small introduction! Hello, I’m Anastasia Finch, and I’m a freshman. I talk about music/interviews people-(We try to interview 5 different people per article, and if the person(s) chooses, then can go anonymous). My goal this year is to help other people find a music taste or get to know about certain artists. Music brings people together in numerous ways, like for example- like the same artist or even, culture! It’s important to find what you like!
Today, we will be interviewing people- on what music they like to listen to. Hopefully we’ll be able to inspire people to listen to their suggestions!
We ask out three questions:
1.”What type of genre do you like?”
2.”Who is your favorite artist”
3.”How did you discover the music/artist?”
After we get the music the people like, we will research the artist and get information about the arthritis who made the song, like their birthdays and ect.- (With an extra bonus of a fun fact!) Hopefully people will be able to discover other artists and enjoy their work!

Our first guest is: Charly Merritt, who is a freshman/9th.
From what genres they like, they’ve answered that they enjoy listening anywhere to indie, to punk and metal.”
Their favorite artist, ‘Chase Petra’
Now to the last question, on where they found the music/artist: They have found the cover of “I write sins not tragedies” by ‘panic!’, At the disco that she did-and they’ve said that they enjoyed her voice so they wanted to look more into her music!
Now a quick fact about Chase Petra..
If you wan’t any other information there is a website of a Chase Petra Q&A! – Chase Petra’s Q&A
But! One little fact from the Q & A is They were always open to opportunities to perform!- Chase Petra even mentioned they did wish they were more as a ‘planner’
Our second guest: Ariana Busico-Vasquez, who is a freshman/9th.
From what genres they like, they’ve answered that they enjoy listening to rap, and hip hop.
Their favorite artist is “Tyler, the Creator”.
Now on our last question, how they found the artist is through their brother and the internet.
Now! A quick fact about “Tyler, the creator” from an article teachrock.org or aka TEACHROCK, we were able to find some information about this artist.

((Birth name: Tyler Okonma
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Birthday: March, 6 1991
Years Active: 2007-Present))
One interesting fact about this artist is that they was able to play the piano by teaching himself!
Our fourth guest: Marisa Reck, who is a freshman/9th
From what generals she enjoys, it would be that they enjoy rock music.
Their favorite artist would be “System of a Down”.
Our last question, on how they found they enjoyed their music is by an animation.

Now! A quick fact about “System of a Down” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_of_a_Down or really wikipedia, we were able to find information
In the wikipedia page, it has said during September, 3rd 2001– the band was planning on doing a free concert in HollyWood for their fans an appreciation, in a parking lot of 3,500- but 10,000 people came. There was a huge stage blasting “System Of a Down”, but then it became an hour and the band didn’t show up. Then the security removed the banner, signaling the band wouldn’t come- and that’s when the people were outraged and destroyed $30,000 dollars of equipment.
Anyways, that was it for the interviews! If you have any questions or would like to be interviewed and put onto this article, then please email:
Anastasia Finch I hope to hear from you then! Thank you for reading my article and I hope you will check it out!!