Colts Neck High School’s “Battle of the Classes”
November 18, 2017
One of the ultimate showcases of Colts Neck High School spirit was displayed on Tuesday, November 14th. Battle of the Classes (BOTC) pits class against class in an effort to declare one grade level supreme. After a hard fought day off festivities, the seniors managed to squeeze out a victory against Junior rivals, but here’s how it happened:
During period one of the school day the BOTC parade took place, where we saw team costumes and themes. The freshman represented Spongebob, the Sophomores Mario Kart, the Juniors were a Madhouse, and the Seniors were Under the Sea. Later in the evening, at the actual event, came many competitions such as races, tug of war, an egg toss, and in the end, the final dances.
The first two competitions were both races, where juniors and seniors each won an event, but the seniors quickly stepped up in the competition by winning the next game, which was a nautical version of Simon Says. After a slew of more events the Juniors and Seniors were tied at 93 points apiece, heading into the final dances. After fabulous performances by all four classes the seniors managed to pull out a win. Congratulations the senior class and to all BOTC participants! If you were unable to go to BOTC this year make sure to go in the future as it is a great night with friends and all revenue goes towards supporting the senior class! Go Cougars!

BOTC participants were challenged with a variation of “Simon Says.”