Senior Interview with Chloe Curtis

June 10, 2020
Describe your first day of high school.
My first day of high school was a blur. I remember feeling scared and excited all at once. I had been waiting for my first day of high school for years after seeing movies about high schoolers, so I was definitely excited even though I quickly learned it is nothing like what you see on the big screen. I remember getting lost multiple times and looking for teachers in the hallways to guide me in the right direction. The day went smoother than I anticipated; it was eye opening to see so many new faces mixed in with familiar ones. I ended the day by going to cross country practice, and it was relaxing to reflect on the day during my run.
Describe high school in one word.
I don’t think high school can be summarized in one word as it is a critical part of growing up. Instead I think the phrase “a period of growth” is better fit. Often people refer to high school as “best four years of your life.” While that may be true for some, I believe that while it may not be the best of times, it is a period in a teenager’s life where they grow as people and start to find ways to express their individuality. In high school you grow through various experiences, you learn what is important to you and what makes you the person you are.
What is a subject that you enjoy the most?
Since primary school my favorite subject has always been English.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I like to spend my free time in many different ways depending on how the day is going. When I am alone I spend my free time relaxing outside, watching Netflix, or drawing. Other days my free time is spent with my teammates, some days we are together after completely a meet or getting breakfast together after Saturday practice. Either way I always look forward to it!
What is/was the best memory you had from CNHS?
I have an array of amazing memories from my years at CNHS. I’m sure I would have been able to add so many more to this list if not for the pandemic. Although this is not something I am very proud of, I had never attended a school football game until September of my senior year. Football games were always something I had wished to attend, but with cross country season in full swing I often did not have the time. Finally, one warm night I tagged along with some friends to the first game of the year at Freehold Township High School. I had a blast cheering with my friends and participating in something that most people include in a traditional high school experience. To top things off, the cougars won! Overall, I had a great time and will never forget the experience.
What is/was your favorite extracurricular activity at CNHS?
My favorite activities at CNHS were Cross Country and Track. Joining the distance team was the most incredible and life changing decision in my life so far. Running has taught me so much beyond athletics. It has taught me discipline and hard work can lead to amazing things. My teammates are some of the most strong and hardworking people I have ever met along with the rest of the running community. Each day at practice I am constantly inspired by my amazing coaches and teammates to be the best version of myself. Overall, I never knew a sport could make such a difference in my life. I will be forever grateful for this wonderful team.
Who is your favorite teacher at CNHS and explain why?
While all of my teachers at CNHS have been amazing, informative, and have supported me, there are two teachers who have stood out to me. My junior year I challenged myself through taking AP classes for the first time. I enrolled in AP United States History and AP Language and Composition. Mr. McClain and Ms. Merry made the transition smooth and simple for me. I worried about not being able to keep up or comprehend the advanced content, but with the help of two amazing teachers I was able to excel. I have so many fond memories of their classes and will never forget their respectable ways of teaching.
What has been your biggest challenge at CNHS?
While I have faced many challenges in high school, one stands out to me in particular. This was my mental health and how I view myself. Often, especially in sports, I would compare myself to others as a way to put myself down. I would often think to myself that I wasn’t as good as my competitors, or that I wasn’t good enough to be competing at all. This would happen in school as well, I would tell myself that I wasn’t smart enough to pass a certain test or that I shouldn’t speak up in class because I convinced myself I had the wrong answer. As I began to think and speak to myself in this manner more often, my thoughts began to become a reality. After lots of discovery and help from my supporters, this self doubt began to go away. I learned that I needed to learn to become my biggest fan. After changing my mindset I began to see my life turn around in so many beautiful ways. Most importantly, I became so much happier and full of life. While there are some days these negative thoughts still pop into my head, I am dedicated to a happy, healthy, and supportive mindset.
How do you feel about the ending of your high school career during these times?
Ending high school during a pandemic is bittersweet. On one hand, I am positive that the class of 2020 will never be forgotten. Being born around the time of 9/11 and entering adulthood during a pandemic and other issues has shown that my generation is strong. We can handle anything thrown our way. Although we are strong and will get through these times together, my heart aches that we will never be able to experience the last quarter of our senior year. Spring sports, senior week activities, traditional graduation ceremonies all were cancelled in an instant. While these things may have been taken away from us, it will never discount the hard work and dedication the class of 2020 has put into their high school experience. My hope for the future is that we all live our lives in the moment. If you had known that Friday, March 13th was our last time ever walking the halls of CNHS, what would you have done differently? Keep that in mind for the days ahead.
Where are you heading for college?
I will be attending Sacred Heart University. I am majoring in communications and will be running D1 Cross Country/Track. GO PIONEERS!
First Part:
Directions: Please choose This or That.
Second Part:
Directions: You answer the following in ONE WORD.
- Who is your inspiration?
My mom
- What is your favorite food?
- If you had to live with one thing, what would it be?
- What is your favorite hobby?
- What is a characteristic that you aspire for a friend to have?