“Slightly Dark Complexioned Night”

July 7, 2021
There may be a slightly dark complexioned night,
And there may be closeness of silence,
Without saying, without hearing, there may be talk
When the night is lost, remove the sadness,
May there be a night of yours in the blanket of dreams
Yours eyes, like bright stars,
Fill lakes of water,
May you always laugh like that,
There are always wishes in the heart..
Listen to the lullabies of silence, the night has slept.
Without saying, without hearing, there may be talk
There may be a slightly dark complexioned night,
And there may be closeness of silence,
Without saying, without hearing, there may be talk
Like a piece of sweet, the moon is half,
Taste it slowly..
There is half-baked promise of laughing and crying
Look at it with a squint angle..
These moments, let me get soaked in the river of these moments,
These eyes, let me learn the silent language of these eyes..
Yeah, let me learn..
Unsaid talks,
Unheard wishes..
Without hearing or saying, there may be talk..
There may be a slightly dark complexioned night,
And there may be closeness of silence,
Without saying, without hearing, there may be talk.