Monthly Music Melody
Hello everyone, and welcome to “Monthly Music Melody” OR “MMM”. For anyone who is new, I’ll give you a small introduction! Hello, I’m Anastasia Finch, and I’m a freshman. I talk about music/interviews people-(We try to interview 5 different people per article, and if the person(s) chooses, then can go anonymous). My goal this year is to help other people find a music taste or get to know about certain artists. Music brings people together in numerous ways, like for example- like the same artist or even, culture! It’s important to find what you like!
Today, we will be interviewing people- on what music they like to listen to. Hopefully we’ll be able to inspire people to listen to their suggestions!
We ask out three questions:
1.”What type of genre do you like?”
2.”Who is your favorite artist”
3.”How did you discover the music/artist?”
After we get the music the people like, we will research the artist and get information about the arthritis who made the song, like their birthdays and ect.- (With an extra bonus of a fun fact!) Hopefully people will be able to discover other artists and enjoy their work!
Note: We haven’t been able to get more people to be interviewed so we might just go with music facts or information for now!
Wanna know what some brands support music artists and where you can support them also? Some brands are shocking and some brands are expected as always.
The first one would be: Coca – Cola! A soda brand. How they do it is by some artist collabs and also their goal is to inspire listeners to embrace themselves and be themselves! Truly unique that this soda brand wants people to be themselves!
The second one would be: Tiktok. This one was more obvious due to many artists performing on tik tok and the free advertising by people using certain users’ hashtags or sounds.
The third one would be: Uber. How Uber helped small artists was by Spotify, since they both shared data, you would be able to add your playlist into the Uber app – or likewise.
Anyways, I know this one was a short one, but it is amazing to see companies help support small or largest artists! If you have any questions or wan’t an interview about music please email: Anastasia Finch! Thank you for reading this article!