When Did Water Develop On Mars?


Jami Van Orden

Scientists have been trying to explain where water comes from for years, but two hypotheses are becoming increasingly promising as more research is done. Professor Martin Bizzaro at the University of Copenhagen described the first hypothesis as to why water is on planets as an “accident, when asteroids containing water collide with the planet in question.” The second hypothesis is “that water emerges in connection with the formation of the planet.” Bizzaro’s study suggests that the second hypothesis is correct which excites many scientists as well as Bizzaro himself because it means water on planets is a bioproduct of the formation of the planet itself. If this hypothesis is proven it means that life on other planets has a much better chance of developing than scientists originally thought. Studies have shown that water appeared on Mars with its formation, and this leads to the thought that water on other planets does not have to be made by an external force such as asteroids. The study is based on a 4.45 billion-year-old meteorite named Black Beauty, which Bizzaro says is “a gold mine of information. And extremely valuable.” With the rock in their laboratory, Bizzaro can conclude that there was evidence of water on Mars as early as the formation of the planet. The study of Black Beauty will continue, and there will no doubt be more amazing scientific discoveries using the meteorite.