Being a Journalist for CNHS PawPrint (As a freshman)

Being a Journalist for CNHS PawPrint (As a freshman)

Jason Colon

Behind the clever name for a school newspaper, Colts Neck High School Paw Print, is a team of writers, editors, and a club teacher. Who even read this besides my grandma, and the editors? This is a question I always ask myself, truly one of life’s great mysteries. Writing for a newspaper that seems to be news to people when they find out this exists is an indescribable feeling. It’s like a secret menu item, but for Colts Neck High School students. Expanding our club is a goal that we are trying to achieve. This year we held a lollipop fundraiser which was very successful.  Besides that, why should anyone write for this, let alone read it? Well, I’ll tell you why. This may seem like a waste of time, but I assure it is not. First off, there is passion. Every single one of our writers cares about what they do. Everyone may have joined the club for different reasons, but we all contribute and that shows something. Next, is experience. You will get experience with writing, and as a high school student you will be published. It’s not just a little print out for your mom’s scrapbook; you are published on an official website with your name attached. This means you have a portfolio being built in high school, which is more than many can account for. You can write about what you want to write about. You are the director, producer, and actor. Do what you want. Finally, and most importantly, you get to say you are in the newspaper club. You can say you are a journalist. You can also brag, if that’s really what you want. This may be an Easter egg of Colts Neck High School, like the egg you still can’t find after your parents say “you are getting hotter,” or “nope now you are cold…” But it’s still an egg. That’s what counts right? Tell your college you were part of the Colts Neck Egg. That’s a full ride right there.