Mindfulness Quote
“The mind is just like a muscle– the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets, and the more it can expand.” – Idowu Koyenikan
Exercise your brain more with meditation and mindfulness!
Mindfulness Activity
Origami Stress Reflection
- Write things you are stressed about on a square piece of paper
- On the other side, write what things those stresses make you thankful for (Friend problems make me thankful for my good friends)
- Fold the paper into a beautiful piece of origami!
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the skill of being aware of what is happening around oneself, and not being overly reactive or overwhelmed by it. Every human being has this quality, one just needs to learn how to access and use it. That is why Be The Change in Colts Neck High School was created: to teach students how to meditate and be mindful about their surroundings. If you are feeling stressed about a test, or you just have a lot on your plate, mindfulness can help you feel more aware of these thoughts and feelings, and teach you how to feel less stressed about anything that is happening in your life. If you feel you would like to learn more about mindfulness, or even participate in our weekly mindfulness meetings, come to room A115 (Ms Ottone’s room) every Wednesday in the mornings and during lunch. We hope to see you there!